Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Ditemukan, cacing dari neraka 1,3 km di bawah tanah

Seberapa dalam binatang bisa hidup di kedalaman tanah? Ahli biologi Princeton University menemukan cacing jenis baru yang hidup di kedalaman 1,3 kilometer di bawah permukaan tanah yang amat panas.

"Kami menyebutnya sebagai 'Cacing dari Neraka'," ujar salah seorang peneliti biologi Princeton University, Tullis Onstott.

Onstott bersama rekannya menamakan spesies cacing tersebut dari Halicephalobus mephisto, nama dicatut dari iblis Mephistopheles dalam cerita karangan Faust. Cacing tersebut ditemukan di pertambangan emas ultra-dalam Beatrix, Afrika Selatan, yang tembus hingga kedalaman 3 kilometer.

Pada pertambangan yang sama, ilmuwan pernah menemukan organisme sel tunggal di kedalaman 1,6 kilometer. Pada kedalaman ini temperatur tanah amat panas, mencapai 60-110 derajat celcius. Namun, baru kali ini binatang bersel majemuk ditemukan di kedalaman ekstrem.

Untuk mencari cacing neraka ini, Onstott bersama tim mengambil sampel air menggunakan mata bor hingga kedalaman 3,6 kilometer. Mereka juga mengambil sampel tanah dari sekeliling mata bor dan menyaring 40.000 galon air permukaan guna memastikan cacing bukan berasal dari atas tanah.

Beberapa karakteristik Halicephalobus mephisto yang telah diketahui adalah cacing ini bisa berkembang biak secara aseksual. Selain itu, binatang ini diperkirakan telah hidup di sela patahan bebatuan dalam sejak 2.900 tahun lalu. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi, cacing ini memakan bakteri yang hidup di sela batuan.

Penelitian Onstott sendiri tak dilakukan dalam waktu singkat. Dibutuhkan penelitian selama 15 tahun hingga organisme ekstrem ini ditemukan. Temuan Onstott diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah "Nature".

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Cara Pake F-CF MOD V4.5:
- Pertama Extract di folder CrossFire Anda
- Buka kemudian klik "ok" ketika akan muncul pop-up
- Klik [get activation key]
- Klik Skip Ad, lalu klik get key di kiri bawah, copy kodenya dan paste di kolom cheat tadi..
- Kemudian buka CrossFire.

Caranya sama saja dengan versi yang kemaren, namun jika sobat kesulitan dalam menggunakannya dan tidak work maka ikuti cara di bawah ini:
1. Buka F-CF MODZ.exe (Jika windows 7 gunakan dengan klik kanan > run as administrator)
2. Jalankan game seperti biasa, lalu login ke akun CF kamu.
3. Untuk tidak terputus dari game, keluar dari server selama 2 menit. PENTING!
4. Setelah 2 menit, silahkan masuk lagi dan selamat mencoba!

No Fall Damage
No Nade Damage
No Recoil
No Delay
Jump Hack
Shot Gun Spread
Full Bright
Reload Time
Master Ghost
Walk Through Walls
Fly Hack
One Hit Kill
teleport hacks ( press [space] and w s a d to get to places in a moment )
mass attack ( zombie mode )
super zombie
super long-attack ( kill enemies from distance )

Result: Undetected

Ket: Untuk hotkeysnya, akan ada muncul sewaktu Anda bermain CrossFire, untuk menghilangkannya tekan home, untuk memunculkannya tekan insert.Gunakan panah atas dan panah bawah untuk melihat isi featuresnya.

Download Cheat Crossfire CF 7 Juni 2011 F-CF MOD 4.5 2011 Terbaru :
Password : trik-tipsblog.blogspot.com
Download 1 - Download 2

thanks to: http://trik-tipsblog.blogspot.com

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Cheat Wallhack Crossfire Terbaru Mei 2011

Cheat Cross Fire CF Terbaru ~ kali ini bernama Cheat Cross Fire CF 1 one hit + Wallhack terbaru 18,19,20 Mei 2011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari Cheat Cross Fire CF 18 Mei 2011.

Silahkan klik download, tunggu 5 detik lalu klik skip ad


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Cheat TP + Ninja Saga 1 Hit Juni 2011

Rizal Nsc (Damage Hack)
Davids (Modified Weapon)

Caranya :
  1. Download dulu Fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Cara pemakaian :
  • Masuk Ninja saga.
  • Equip Beli di shop kunai level 1, kalo dah punya tinggal Equip.
  • Masuk Mission or Hunting house,happy Cheat


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Cheat Gold Ninja Saga Update Juni 2011

Mungkin akhir-akhir ini Cheat Gold Ninja Saga sudah tidak work lagi, dan dikarenakan ada salah satu pengunjung yang berkomentar seperti ini 


Tepatnya di postingan Cheat Ninja Saga FULL HACK (GOLD + TP + DLL). Maka saya akan Update Cheat Gold Ninja Saga Terbaru. Tapi jangan di perjual belikan yaa!

Cheat Gold 110504350


Caranya :
  1. Download dulu Fiddler & SWF
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Drag SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Cara Pemakaiannya :
Masuk ke Shop lalu pilih SELL kemudian Jual senjata Pratice Naginata.

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Cheat Special Jounin Ninja Saga Stage 1 With CE

Cheat Special Jounin Ninja Saga Stage 1 With CE

bagi kalian yang takut di baned atau tidak bisa menggunakan fiddler ,.. nih ada trik/cheatnya with CE

Tools :

Steps :
1. masuk ninja saga
2. pilih char
3. buka cheat engine
4. klik icon komputer d CE nya (pojok kiri atas)
5. pilih plugin-container.exe kalo pake firefox
kalo pake crome pilih chrome.exe (kalo ad banyak cobain aj satu-satu)
6. saat ujian d mulai check eneble speedhack..ubah jadi 0 trus klik apply
7. cari deh weapon yang d minta trus uncheck eneble speedhack trus check lg eneble speed hack ubah jd 0 klik apply...begitu terus sampe ujian kelar

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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

1 HIT SG BY Cellolexis 13-14062011

Credits :
[-] Cellolexis [-]
[-] Minacoo [-]

Cara Pemakaian :
Extract Rar KeDesktop
Buka Trainnernya
Buka PB nya
Jika Ada NOTICE Sebaik nya Tekan ENTER
( Jgan di KLIK Make Mouse, Bisa Mengakibatkan PB ERROR )
Posted Image



~Semoga Bermanfaat~

Gabung Di forumny Juga ya


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Cheat Point Blank 14 Juni 2011 Wallhack + Amno + Crosshair Cheat PB 14062011

Posted in category: Cheat at: June 13, 2011 by admin
Cheat Point Blank 14 Juni 2011 Wallhack + Amno + Crosshair Cheat PB 14062011. Ketemu lagi dengan Cheat pb terbaru Panduan sukses blogger. kali ini dengan cheat pb Wallhack + Amno + Crosshair Update veri 14-06-2011. semoga bermanfaat buat sobat yang lagi mencari cehat pb 14/06/2011 ini. berikut ini link donwload dan fiturnya.
Cheat Point Blank 14 Juni 2011 Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Amno + Crosshair Update Point Blank 14062011

Fitur :
- Wallhack
- Amno
- Crosshair
Hotkey :
-Wallhack : Klik Kanan
-Amno : F11
-Crosshair : F9
Dan temukan Fitur Fitur Terahasia Di dalam che*t Ini
Cara pakai Wallhack :
Saat Di BM(Bom Mission)
-Masuk Room
-Saat respon Tekan klik Kanan saat kamu baru main(On)
(Kalau belum main JANGAN DI TEKAN)
-Saat Mati ataupun 1ROund Tekan Klik kanan lagi(Off)
Cara Di DM(Deat Macth)
-Masuk Room
-saat Bru respon Klik kanan(On)
-Saat mati Klik kanan lagi(Off)
Free Download Cheat Point Blank 14 Juni 2011 “wh” Wallhack + Amno + Crosshair Update Cheat PB 14062011:

Harga : Gratis
Ukuran File : 812.42 KB
Nama File : WH13June2011.rar
Password : www.sofilmendo.com

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Cheat Ninja Saga New Cheat EXP, Auto Pilot, Mission Chounin, Mission Jounin, Achievement, Tensai Jounin 2011 Read more: http://trik-tipsblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/cheat-ninja-saga-new-cheat-exp-auto.html#ixzz1PANeuCsx Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike

Setelah hari kemarin saya posting tentang Cheat EXP - ATM XP Ninja Saga Terbaru 2011 dan Cheat Weapon HH+Gold PNS/NSX, maka hari ini saya akan update artikel terbaru lagi, yaitu Cheat Ninja Saga New Cheat EXP, Auto Pilot, Mission Chounin, Mission Jounin, Achievement, Tensai Jounin 2011.

Download Tools :

Fiddler2 : Download Here
SWF File : Download 1 - Download 2

Caranya :

  1. Download dulu fiddler & SWFnya
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler & estract SWFnya
  3. jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
  10. Perggi ke academy untuk membeli fitur2nya

Cara Menghapus chace :
Ø Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
Ø Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Fitur :
1. Cheat EXP
2. Cheat XP
3. Cheat Auto Pilot
4. Cheat Mission Chunin
5. Cheat Mission Jounin
6. Cheat token
7. Cheat Achievement
8. Cheat Tensai Jounin ( Permanent)

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Cheat Grand Chase Indonesia

Cheat Grand Chase Indonesia - Apakah anda sudah familiar dengan game Grand Chase Indonesi? Bagi anda yang sudah familiar tentu akan sangat mengenal juga tentang cheat Grand Chase Indonesia ini. Namun bagi anda yang belum begitu kenal betul dengan game yang juga sebenarnya cukup populer dikalangan para gamers di Indonesia ini, maka berikut akan dijelaskan terlebih dahulu secara singkat tentang Game Grand Chase.

Grand Chase adalah game online side-scroll action fighting pertama di dunia, kini hadir di Indonesia! Dengan tampilan animasi yang keren, karakter yang imut, serta rangkaian aksi yang memanjakan mata, Grand Chase tentunya dapat dinikmati oleh semua pecinta game online di Indonesia.

Grand Chase juga dilengkapi dengan fitur unik, seperti sistem PET yang bisa berevolusi, sistem COUPLE, ratusan MISSION yang seru dan menantang, sistem JOB-CHANGE yang menarik serta berbagai mode PVP yang dahsyat! Ajak teman-teman, saudara atau bahkan pacarmu untuk bertualang bersama di dunia Grand Chase. Kunjungi website Grand Chase di http://grandchase.megaxus.com

Nah.. bagi teman-teman yang ingin mencoba download cheat Grand Chase Indonesia, maka secara lengkap bisa kamu temukan melalui link berikut disini. Semoga kehadiran tulisan ini dapat membawa manfaat kepada kamu semua, khususnya bagi yang ingin mengetahui sekilas tentang games Grand Chase ataupun para pencari Cheat Grand Chase Indonesia.

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Kemungkinan Hari Dimulai Ujian Spesial Jounin NS

Melanjutkan artikel sebelumnya yaitu Daftar Back Items War Clan Saga NinjaHari Dimulai Ujian Spesial Jounin NS mungkin tidak akan lama lagi. bahkan ada yang mengatakan "SENIN, 13 JUNI 2011" 

Singkat saja info dari saya :

Banyak dari Berbagai pemain ns Kemungkinan Hari di adakannya Ujian Spesial Jounin Adalah Pada Hari "SENIN, 13 JUNI 2011" 

Itulah awal dari perjuangan para pemain ns yang akan segera melanjutkan ketingkat yang lebih tinggi 


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Zynga poker bot v 4

This is the latest version of zynga poker hack Zynga Poker Bot that works well, in this Zynga Poker Bot has updated the ability to read Zynga Poker "blind", so you do not have to do it manually. Zynga Poker Bot Bot is 100% AFK, in Zynga Poker Bot V.4 was added ability to make decisions "Call", "Rise", "Call Any" and "Fold" in accordance with the state of the card on the table, even your can manage any card you want to "All in", "Rise", "Call Any" or "Fold", it makes Zynga Poker Bot can play with your own style.Zynga Poker Bot is the development of Zynga Poker Bot by cornernote, but Zynga Poker Bot been much development of the original versions, some of the development include

- Change "Blind" position
- Adjust the decision of the Card
- Adjust the decision of Score
- Etc

Download Link :
Download - Zynga poker bot v 4

Download Zynga Poker Bot v4 for Free

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CityVille Upgrade your Grade School: Everything you need to know

A new community building has been given the upgrading spotlight in CityVille. The Grade School is now the newest building that can be upgraded, and if you choose to do so, you'll be able to earn Building Grants when collecting from the building in the future.

Just like upgrades to the Bank, Post Office, etc. this Grade School upgrade will require the help of your friends. You'll need to fill 10 positions to upgrade to Level 2 which increases the Grade School's population payout to 600 citizens (the original number is 500). You'll also have a chance of receiving Building Grants (which are used in the construction of other items) each time you collect from the Grade School in the future.

Class isn't out on the Grade School just yet though, so meet us behind the break to see how to move from Level 2 to Level 3.

From Level 2 to Level 3, you'll need to again hire 10 additional friends to work in your Grade School, but you'll also need to have a total population of at least 2,700 citizens before you can do so. Once this is done, your Grade School will allow for 800 citizens, and your chance for receiving extra Energy and Building Grants will increase.

While it may seem like Zynga is randomly picking and choosing which community building or business to upgrade, we're just glad that the process hasn't become even more intrusive or complicated than it already is. Which building will be upgraded next? We'll make sure to let you know as soon as Zynga announces another.

Have you finished the upgrades on all of the possible buildings so far? Do you think it's good that Zynga is making these older buildings more valuable, or should they leave them the way they are? Let us know in the comments.

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CityVille - Improvement Of The Clinic And Trick To Build

Mejora de la Clinica en CityVille y truco para construirla 
 - Frank, the architect of the game now help us to improve the emergency in CityVille clinic with a new improved look, as in the latest improvements to buildings that were happening in the game. Improved emergency clinic increase our limit of population, provide more energy and we give the opportunity to obtain tapes when we collect your winnings.

Improvement of the clinic at level 2 (those who wish to go directly to the trick, dirijanse down)
You can access the option for the improvement of the emergency clinic when its population in the game to reach 750 or more. At this time you can see the green arrow on top of the clinic:


Click on the building to open the menu of improvement. The improvement to level 2 requires to add new members to the staff, for a total of 12. Once they have improved the clinic, you can see as improving appearance also.


Results: at level 2, the emergency clinic gives 300 to the limit of the population, an improvement in the development of energy, as well as the opportunity to receive tapes.

Requirements for the improvement of the clinic at level 3 (those who wish to go directly to the trick, dirijanse down)
  • Have emergency clinic in level 2.
  • Reaching 2,300 or more inhabitants.
After having complied with the requirements of the improvement, click the emergency clinic to open the window of improvement. This improvement to level 3 requires that three members will be added more staff, for a total of 15.


Results: at level 3, the emergency clinic gives 550 to the limit of the population, as well as improve the chance of receiving tapes and more energy in the collection.

Then I leave the trick of CityVille to build the emergency clinic in level 3 instantly without the need of points or anything what else like

First of all, to perform this trick of CityVille, must have the following requirements:
  • A secondary account linked in the game to the main account
  • Chrome
Then, must follow the following steps:
1.  Access the application for energy in the game.
2. Select your secondary account or a neighbour if they so wish, but select this last option must wait for this to answer the request.
3. Right click on the region where the neighbors and select the option "Inspect element".
4. You will see that at the bottom of the browser they will appear a window with a code. Go up a little in that code and you will find a line that starts like < form action = http: / / fb-client......
5. Once found this line, click, right click and select the "edit as html" option.
6. Look for in this code the phrase "energy_3″ (in the second row 15mil)."
7. There must change that "energy_3″ by the code of the emergency clinic in level 3, which is mun_clinic_3, as shown below
8. Once you have modified the code to close the editing window by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
9. Now click on the selected neighbor (if do not I come out error).
10. Send the application for aid in the game.
11. Entering the game with the secondary account and will see that the application for aid appears to them to send the emergency clinic at level 3 on the main account. (Sure to accept the application for aid in the game and not Facebook because otherwise only send them the battery of 3 of energy)
12. After to accept the request, entering the game with the master account and you will see the emergency clinic with level 3 in the inventory of the game.
13. So sees a time placed the Level 3 in CityVille emergency clinic:

by David Almunandar
5 hours ago
Quote from Blog.Games.com:Jump in your time machine and search your way through the Gardens of Time to preserve its history and ...

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